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How To Get Rid Of Two Windows Side By Side On An Ipad

How To Get Rid Of Two Windows Side By Side On An Ipad

How to Get Rid of Two Windows Side by Side on an iPad: An In-Depth Guide

The iPad is one of the most popular tablet devices on the market and has become a popular choice for those who need a powerful, portable device. With the iPad, users can access the internet, watch movies, play games, and even use it as a laptop. However, one of the biggest issues that iPad owners face is when they have two windows side by side on the iPad. This can become very annoying, as it hinders navigation and can even lead to freezing or crashing of the device.

Fortunately, there are a few ways to get rid of two windows side by side on an iPad. In this article, we will provide an in-depth guide on how to do this, so that you can get back to enjoying your iPad without the annoyance of having two windows open simultaneously.

What is the Problem with Two Windows Side-By-Side?

Having two windows side by side on an iPad can be very inconvenient. This is because the iPad's screen size is limited and having two windows open at the same time takes up valuable screen real estate. This can make it difficult to navigate the device and can even cause some apps to freeze or crash.

How to Get Rid of Two Windows Side by Side on an iPad

Fortunately, there are a few ways to get rid of two windows side by side on an iPad. Here are some of the most common methods:

1. Close One of the Windows

The most obvious solution to getting rid of two windows side by side on an iPad is to simply close one of the windows. This can be done by swiping up from the bottom of the window and then tapping the “X” in the upper-left corner. This will close the window and get rid of the two windows side by side.

2. Split the Screen

Another way to get rid of two windows side by side on an iPad is to split the screen. This can be done by swiping up from the bottom of the screen and then tapping the “Split Screen” icon in the upper-left corner. This will allow you to choose which two apps you want to view side by side. This is a great way to maximize screen real estate and get rid of two windows side by side.

3. Use the Home Button

The home button is a great way to get rid of two windows side by side on an iPad. Simply press and hold the home button until the home screen appears. This will close all open windows and get rid of the two windows side by side.

4. Use the Multitasking App Switcher

The multitasking app switcher is a great way to get rid of two windows side by side on an iPad. This can be accessed by swiping up from the bottom of the screen and then tapping the “Multitasking” icon in the upper-right corner. This will show all open windows and you can then select the windows you want to close. This is a great way to quickly and efficiently close all open windows and get rid of two windows side by side.


Getting rid of two windows side by side on an iPad can be very annoying, but fortunately, there are a few ways to do this. The most common methods are to close one of the windows, split the screen, use the home button, or use the multitasking app switcher. All of these methods can help you quickly and easily get rid of two windows side by side on an iPad and get back to enjoying your device.

How To Get Rid Of Split Screen On iPad - YouTube
How To Get Rid Of Split Screen On iPad - YouTube
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Additional Insight Video

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